Pre-Notary Dynomark Assurance

How is Vehicle Value Loss Calculated?

How is Vehicle Value Loss Calculated?

As a result of the loss of value of damaged and repaired vehicles, their value in the second-hand market will suffer a financial loss. 

Unfortunately, even if the vehicles are fully repaired after they are damaged and all parts are protected in the best way, loss of value occurs. In particular, vehicle parts replaced after damage cause serious loss of value.

Is the Vehicle Value Loss Rate the Same for All Vehicles?

The rates of vehicle depreciation vary according to certain criteria. These criteria affect the calculation of vehicle depreciation and reveal different results.

In the calculation of the loss of value, it is necessary to determine the extent of the loss of value based on the damaged vehicle's body and mechanical damages, make, model, usage and conditions in the second-hand market.

The variables used in vehicle depreciation calculations are influenced by the conditions in our country and the factors affecting the purchase of second-hand vehicles. The information used in the calculation of vehicle depreciation can be generally listed as follows.

Factors in Vehicle Depreciation Calculation
